Learn Math & Science Fast and Easy

Nothing is impossible. Given time, patience and dedication anything can be achieved.

Hello, My name is Stephanie

I am  currently studying Science at Delft University of Technology.

I really want to help others understand the subject and come to enjoy it as much as I do. I will help my students improve by finding their weaknesses and making them into their strengths.


Student level: Beginner Intermediate Duration: 60 minutes The class is taught in: English


Student level: Beginner Intermediate Duration: 60 minutes The class is taught in: English


Student level: Beginner Intermediate Duration: 60 minutes The class is taught in: English

I am  currently studying Science at Delft University of Technology.

I really want to help others understand the subject and come to enjoy it as much as I do. I will help my students improve by finding their weaknesses and making them into their strengths.

Easy way to learn science

1. Build on things you do know.

2. Say out loud what you want to remember.

3. Take notes by hand, not on a computer.

4. Exercise regularly.

5. Get more sleep.

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